Federal Funding Programs

Finding Federal Funding Programs

Minnesota Funding Source Table

The federal grants website, Grants.gov, is a centralized place for searching for federal funding opportunities. The site is constantly updated with new funding opportunities and grant seekers may search by keywords, funding type, eligibility requirements, funding dates, and funding agency to find grants applicable to their projects.

Keywords: drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, solid waste

Intended Applicant(s): Open to all

Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Grants | Specific program dependent

Application Process: Search for applicable grants and check eligibility; create a grants.gov/workspace account; apply for specific grants

Website: https://www.grants.gov

Contact Information: 1-800-518-4726 or support@grants.gov


Organization: Federal

Program: Grants.gov

The Economic Development Administration (EDA), part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, provides strategic investments through its Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programs on a competitive merit basis to support economic development, foster job creation, and attract private investment. The program supports construction, non-construction, technical assistance, and revolving loan fund projects. Job creation is a key focus, and industrial parks are priority. Funding is available year round with conditions depending on the type of program.

Keywords: drinking water, wastewater

Intended Applicant(s): Economically distressed areas

Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Grants | Maximum grant is $3,000,000, minimum grant is $100,000 | Competitive process

Application Process: Submit a short proposal form; if responsive, a full application will be invited for competitive consideration of funding

Website: https://www.eda.gov (specific search must be done in search engine)

Contact Information: Illinois, Indiana, Ohio: Darrin Fleener, 312-789-9753, dfleener@eda.gov 
Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin: Lee J. Shirey, 312-789-9751, lshirey@eda.gov


Organization: Economic Development Administration (EDA), U.S. Department of Commerce

Program: Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programs

The U.S. Department of Agriculture–Rural Development (USDA-RD) provides funds through the Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training Grant program to help communities identify, plan, acquire financing for, and manage community facilities. Technical assistance and training with respect to essential community facilities are also available.

Keywords: drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, solid waste

Intended Applicant(s): Public bodies, non-profit organizations, federally-recognized tribes | Rural areas including cities, villages, townships, towns, and federally-recognized tribal lands outside the boundaries of a city of with a population of 20,000 or more

Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Grants | Maximum grant is $150,000 based on availability of funds | Competitive process

Application Process: Deadline/acceptance basis: Annually | Submit application through a Notice of Funding Availability in the Federal Register

Website: https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/community-facilities/community-facilities-technical-assistance-and-training-grant

Contact Information: Illinois: Michael Wallace– Community & Business Program Director, 217-403-6209, wallace@il.usda.gov 
Indiana: Rochelle Owen– Community Programs Director, 317-290-3100 (ext. 407), rochelle.owen@in.usda.gov 
Michigan: Christine Maxwell– Community Programs Director, 517-324-5208, chris.maxwell@mi.usda.gov 
Minnesota: Terry Louwagie– Community Programs Director, 651-602-7800 (ext. 7810), terry.louwagie@mn.usda.gov 
Ohio: David Douglas– Community Programs Director, 614-255-2391, david.douglas@oh.usda.gov 
Wisconsin: Brian Deaner– Community Programs Director, 715-345-7648, brian.deaner@wi.usda.gov


Organization: U.S. Department of Agriculture–Rural Development (USDA-RD)

Program: Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training Grant

The U.S. Department of Agriculture–Rural Development (USDA-RD) provides grants through its Solid Waste Management Grants program for technical assistance or training that improve the planning and management of solid waste sites, help communities reduce solid waste, or prepare for landfill closure. Funding can also be used to evaluate current landfill conditions and threats to water resources.

Keywords: solid waste

Intended Applicant(s): Public bodies, non-profit organizations, federally recognized tribes, academic institutions | Rural areas and towns with a population < 10,000 | Special consideration for areas with a population < 5,500; regional, multi-state or national areas; and low-income populations

Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Grants | Subject to availability of funds | Competitive process | Proposed projects should be accomplishable within 12 months of funding

Application Process: Deadline/acceptance basis: October 1 to December 31, annually | Submit application through the local Rural Development office.

Website: https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/water-environmental-programs/solid-waste-management-grants

Contact Information: Solid Waste Grant Manager in the RD National Office: 202-720-9589
Illinois: Tina Anstrom – Community Programs Specialist, 217-403-6244, tina.anstrom@il.usda.gov
Indiana: Krueger Pfister – Community Programs Specialist, 317-295-5794, krueger.pfister@in.usda.gov 
Michigan: Cristina Stanley – Assistant to the State Director, 517-324-5207, cristina.stanley@usda.gov
Minnesota: Terry Louwagie – Community Programs Director, 651-602-7800 (ext. 7810), terry.louwagie@mn.usda.gov 
Ohio: David Douglas– Community Programs Director, 614-255-2391, david.douglas@oh.usda.gov
Wisconsin: Brian Deaner – Community Programs Director, 715-345-7648, brian.deaner@wi.usda.gov


Organization: U.S. Department of Agriculture–Rural Development (USDA-RD)

Program: Solid Waste Management Grants

The U.S. Department of Agriculture–Rural Development (USDA-RD) provides loans through its Water & Waste Disposal Revolving Loan Funds program that help qualified non-profits create a revolving loan fund (RLF) that can provide financing for drinking water and wastewater projects in rural communities with populations of 10,000 or less.

Keywords: drinking water, wastewater

Intended Applicant(s): Non-profit organizations | Must have legal authority and capacity to operate a revolving loan fund

Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Loans | Maximum loan is $100,000 | Term is a maximum of 10 years

Application Process: Contact state Rural Development program specialist

Website: https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/water-environmental-programs/revolving-funds-financing-water-and-wastewater-projects

Contact Information: National Contact: Lisa Chesnel – Water & Environment Programs Office, 202-720-0499
Illinois: Michael Wallace – Community & Business Program Director, 217-403-6209, wallace@il.usda.gov
Indiana: Rochelle Owen – Community Programs Director, 317-290-3100 (ext. 407), rochelle.owen@in.usda.gov
Michigan: Christine Maxwell – Community Programs Director, 517-324-5208, chris.maxwell@mi.usda.gov
Minnesota: Terry Louwagie – Community Programs Director, 651-602-7800 (ext. 7810), terry.louwagie@mn.usda.gov
Ohio: David Douglas – Community Programs Director, 614-255-2391, david.douglas@oh.usda.gov
Wisconsin: Brian Deaner – Community Programs Director, 715-345-7648, brian.deaner@wi.usda.gov


Organization: U.S. Department of Agriculture–Rural Development (USDA-RD)

Program: Water & Waste Disposal Revolving Loan Funds

The U.S. Department of Agriculture–Rural Development (USDA-RD) provides loans through its Water & Waste Disposal Loan Guarantees program that support private lenders in providing affordable financing to qualified borrowers. Qualified borrowers include public bodies, non-profit organizations and federally recognized tribes servicing areas with populations of 10,000 or less. Funds must be used to construct or improve drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, or solid waste disposal facilities.

Keywords: drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, solid waste

Intended Applicant(s): Private lenders making loans to eligible borrowers who cannot otherwise obtain reasonable commercial credit

Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Loans | Maximum guarantee is typically 90% of the loan amount | Term is up to 40 years

Application Process: Lenders: Contact the local Rural Development office for information on becoming an approved lender | Borrowers: Ask your private lender about their participation in USDA loan guarantee programs

Website: https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/water-environmental-programs/water-waste-disposal-loan-guarantees

Contact Information: Illinois: Michael Wallace– Community & Business Program Director, 217-403-6209, wallace@il.usda.gov
Indiana: Rochelle Owen– Community Programs Director, 317-290-3100 (ext. 407), rochelle.owen@in.usda.gov
Michigan: Cristina Stanley– Assistant to the State Director, 517-324-5207, cristina.stanley@usda.gov
Minnesota: Terry Louwagie– Community Programs Director, 651-602-7800 (ext. 7810), terry.louwagie@mn.usda.gov
Ohio: David Douglas–Community Program Director, 614-255-2391, david.douglas@oh.usda.gov
Wisconsin: Brian Deaner– Community Programs Director, 715-345-7648, brian.deaner@wi.usda.gov


Organization: U.S. Department of Agriculture–Rural Development (USDA-RD)

Program: Water & Waste Disposal Loan Guarantees

This U.S. Department of Agriculture–Rural Development (USDA-RD) provides funds through its Water & Waste Disposal Loan & Grant program that may be used to provide clean and reliable drinking water, and adequate and affordable wastewater, stormwater, and solid waste collection and disposal for rural communities. Funds are typically approved for acquisition, construction and improvement of these community facilities. Funding may be used for additional, related activities in some cases.

Keywords: drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, solid waste

Intended Applicant(s): Public bodies, non-profit organizations, federally recognized tribes | Rural areas, towns and tribal lands with a population < 10,000

Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Grants and loans | Maximum grant is 75% of project cost | Interest rates on loans are based on median household income (MHI) and necessity of project, 1.5% of MHI is target user fee | Loan term is up to 40 years based on the facilities’ useful life | Loans can be combined with grants to keep user costs reasonable

Application Process: Deadline/acceptance basis: Year round | Submit application through website’s “RD Apply” or through the local Rural Development office

Website: https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/water-environmental-programs/water-waste-disposal-loan-grant-program

Contact Information: Illinois: Michael Wallace– Community & Business Program Director, 217-403-6209, wallace@il.usda.gov
Indiana: Rochelle Owen– Community Programs Director, 317-290-3100 (ext. 407), rochelle.owen@in.usda.gov
Michigan: Cristina Stanley– Assistant to the State Director, 517-324-5207, cristina.stanley@usda.gov
Minnesota: Terry Louwagie– Community Programs Director, 651-602-7800 (ext. 7810), terry.louwagie@mn.usda.gov
Ohio: David Douglas–Community Program Director, 614-255-2391. david.douglas@oh.usda.gov
Wisconsin: Brian Deaner– Community Programs Director, 715-345-7648, brian.deaner@wi.usda.gov


Organization: U.S. Department of Agriculture–Rural Development (USDA-RD)

Program: Water & Waste Disposal Loan & Grant Program

This U.S. Department of Agriculture–Rural Development (USDA-RD) provides funding through its Water & Waste Disposal Technical Assistance & Training Grants program that helps qualified non-profit organizations provide rural communities and tribes with technical assistance and training. Technical assistance and training may identify and evaluate water and waste issues, support communities in improving maintenance and operation of water and waste facilities, and assist applicants in obtaining funding for related projects.

Keywords: drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, solid waste

Intended Applicant(s): Non-profit organizations that will provide technical assistance and training to eligible areas | Eligible areas are rural communities and towns with a population < 10,000 and tribal lands

Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Reimbursement grants (applicant must provide initial funding and will be reimbursed as availability of funds allows) | Grants have a one-year project period, beginning October 1 of the first calendar year and ending September 30 of the following calendar year

Application Process: Deadline/acceptance basis: October 1 to December 31 | Submit application through either the local Rural Development office for single-state applications or the national Rural Development office for multi-state applications (an application guide is available on the program website)

Website: https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/water-environmental-programs/water-waste-disposal-technical-assistance-training-grants

Contact Information: National Office: Anita O’Brien, 202-690-3789, anita.obrien@wdc.usda.gov
Illinois: Tina Anstrom–Community Programs Specialist, 217-403-6244, tina.anstrom@il.usda.gov
Indiana: Krueger Pfister– Community Programs Specialist, 317-295-5794, krueger.pfister@in.usda.gov
Michigan: Christine Maxwell– Community Programs Director, 517-324-5208, chris.maxwell@mi.usda.gov
Minnesota: Terry Louwagie– Community Programs Director, 651-602-7800 (ext. 7810), terry.louwagie@mn.usda.gov
Ohio: David Douglas – Community Programs Director, 614-255-2391, david.douglas@oh.usda.gov
Wisconsin: Brian Deaner– Community Programs Director, 715-345-7648, brian.deaner@wi.usda.gov


Organization: U.S. Department of Agriculture–Rural Development (USDA-RD)

Program: Water & Waste Disposal Technical Assistance & Training Grants

Funds obtained from the U.S. Department of Agriculture–Rural Development’s (USDA-RD) Water & Waste Disposal Grants to Alleviate Health Risks on Tribal Lands and Colonias program must be used to construct basic drinking water, wastewater, or stormwater systems. This funding opportunity intends to alleviate health risks on tribal lands and colonias.

Keywords: drinking water, wastewater, stormwater

Intended Applicant(s):Tribal only: Federally-recognized tribes, non-profit organizations, state/local government entities serving eligible areas | Tribal lands with a population < 10,000 | Community must be economically distressed; must face significant health risks due to lack of access to adequate, safe water or water disposal

Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Grants | If funds are available: maximum grant may be up to 100% of the project cost

Application Process: Deadline/acceptance basis: Year round | Submit application through the local Rural Development office

Website: https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/water-environmental-programs/water-and-waste-facility-loans-and-grants-alleviate-health-risks-colonias

Contact Information: Solid Waste Grant Manager in the RD National Office: 202-720-9589
Illinois: Michael Wallace– Community & Business Program Director, 217-403-6209, wallace@il.usda.gov
Indiana: Rochelle Owen– Community Programs Director, 317-290-3100 (ext. 407), rochelle.owen@in.usda.gov
Michigan: Christine Maxwell– Community Programs Director, 517-324-5208, chris.maxwell@mi.usda.gov
Minnesota: Terry Louwagie– Community Programs Director, 651-602-7800 (ext. 7810), terry.louwagie@mn.usda.gov
Ohio: David Douglas– Community Programs Director, 614-255-2391, david.douglas@oh.usda.gov
Wisconsin: Brian Deaner– Community Programs Director, 715-345-7648, brian.deaner@wi.usda.gov

Federal: Tribal Only

Organization: U.S. Department of Agriculture–Rural Development (USDA-RD)

Program: Water & Waste Disposal Grants to Alleviate Health Risks on Tribal Lands and Colonias

Funds from this U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Water Indian Set-Aside (CWISA) Program may be used for planning, design, construction, and follow-up for wastewater projects. Projects to increase system longevity or sustainability are also accepted. Collection and treatment systems and facilities are eligible. Between 2003 and 2015, projects that received monies from this program were awarded between $3,500 to $6.4 million, with an average of $300,000.

Keywords: wastewater

Intended Applicant(s): Tribal only: Federally-recognized tribes

Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Grants | Maximum grant may be up to 100% of the project cost; amount varies based on project type | Matching funds: Projects with matching funds receive higher priority | Award based on Indian Health Services (IHS) Sanitation Deficiency System (SDS) priority list ranking and available funding

Application Process: Deadline/acceptance basis: Rolling basis or by August to be considered during upcoming funding cycle | Application process: Add project to local IHS SDS priority list (local IHS personnel can help answer questions about placing a project on the IHS SDS priority list)

Website: https://www.epa.gov/small-and-rural-wastewater-systems/clean-water-indian-set-aside-program

Contact Information: EPA Region 5 Contact: John Colletti– CWISA program coordinator, 312-886-6106, colletti.john@epa.gov
IHS Regional Contact: Craig Morin– Division of Sanitation Facilities Construction Bemidji, MN office, 218-444-0504, craig.morin@ihs.gov

Federal: Tribal Only

Organization: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Program: Clean Water Indian Set-Aside Program (CWISA)

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Tribal Set-Aside Program of the Drinking Water Infrastructure Grant (DWIG) provides funding to alleviate health risks associated with drinking water systems and to help systems comply with drinking water regulations. Funds may be used for planning, design, and construction of drinking water infrastructure, and for development or rehabilitation of drinking water sources.

aKeywords: drinking water

Intended Applicant(s): Tribal only: Federally-recognized tribes, non-tribal owners of drinking water systems serving federally recognized tribes

Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Grants | Maximum grant may be up to 100% of the project cost | Matching funds: Encouraged | Award distribution can be made directly to the tribe or to the local Indian Health Services (IHS) office if the tribe elects to have the local IHS administer the funds

Application Process: Application process: Add project to the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) list (list is maintained jointly by the Regional EPA office and the national EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water)

Website: https://www.epa.gov/tribaldrinkingwater/drinking-water-infrastructure-grants-tribal-set-aside-program

Contact Information: EPA Region 5 Contact: Felicia Gaines– Infrastructure Grant Tribal Drinking Water Set-Aside Coordinator, 312-886-0139, gaines.felicia@epa.gov
IHS Regional Contact: Craig Morin– Division of Sanitation Facilities Construction Bemidji, MN office, 218-444-0504, craig.morin@ihs.gov

Federal: TribaL Only

Organization: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Program: Tribal Set-Aside Program of the Drinking Water Infrastructure Grant (DWIG)