Illinois Funding Programs

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s (IEPA) State Revolving Fund (SRF) Public Water Supply Loan Program (PWSLP) provides assistance to finance drinking water projects, including new construction, rehabilitation and upgrading infrastructure. Green infrastructure projects, or projects to improve water or energy efficiency are encouraged. | Keywords: drinking water Intended Applicant(s): Public bodies, owners and operators of eligible drinking water facilities Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Loans | Interest rates are below market rates; current rates can be found on PWSLP website | Loan may have up to a 20-year term, or 30-year term for small communities or communities with financial hardship | Additional grants for principal forgiveness may be available Application Process: Deadline/acceptance basis: July 1 to December 31 for projects accepted for intended funding | Full application process: Submit a funding nomination form, submit a project plan, undergo a state environmental review, apply for the Project Priority List (PPL), and secure a loan agreement, then place the project on the PPL and request the project be added to the Intended Funding List | For projects that are the highest ranking and are accepted for the Intended Funding List, submit a full loan application along with all necessary documentation by deadline (projects lacking completed applications after January 1 may be bypassed) Website: Contact Information: Gary Bingenheimer– Facility Planning, 217-782-2027, |
Organization: Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA)
Program: State Revolving Fund (SRF) Public Water Supply Loan Program (PWSLP)
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) State Revolving Fund Water Pollution Control Loan Program (WPCLP) provides assistance to finance wastewater or stormwater projects, including new construction, rehabilitation, and upgrading infrastructure. Eligibility is defined in Section 212 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. Green infrastructure projects or projects to improve water or energy efficiency are encouraged. | Keywords: wastewater, stormwater Intended Applicant(s): Public bodies, owners and operators of eligible wastewater or stormwater facilities Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Loans | Interest rates are below market rates; current rates can be found on WPCLP website | Loan may have up to a 20-year term, or 30-year term for small communities or communities with financial hardship | Additional grants for principal forgiveness may be available Application Process: Deadline/acceptance basis: July 1 to December 31 for projects accepted for intended funding | Full application process: Submit a funding nomination form, submit a project plan, undergo a state environmental review, apply for the Project Priority List (PPL), and secure a loan agreement, then place the project on the PPL and request the project be added to the Intended Funding List | For projects that are the highest ranking and are accepted for the Intended Funding List, submit a full loan application along with all necessary documentation by deadline (projects lacking completed applications after January 1 may be bypassed) Website: Contact Information: Gary Bingenheimer– Facility Planning, 217-782-2027, |
Organization: Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA)
Program: State Revolving Fund (SRF) Water Pollution Control Loan Program (WPCLP)
The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity’s (IDCEO) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) – Public Infrastructure program provides funding for the construction of drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater facilities. Eligible activities include acquisition, demolition, construction, and rehabilitation of new facilities or improvements to such systems. Funds may also be used to help finance the connection of residential structures to such systems. Funds should not be used to correct issues resulting for deferred maintenance. Projects funded by the IDCEO’s Community Development Block Grant—Public Infrastructure must address a threat to public health and safety. | Keywords: drinking water, wastewater, stormwater Intended Applicant(s): Local government units | Population < 50,000 | Low- to moderate-income households should comprise 51% or more of the population benefitted by the project Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Grants | Maximum grant is $450,000 Application Process: Deadline/acceptance basis: September 30 annually, year round | Submit application, providing proof of benefit to low- to moderate-income population and threat to public health and safety Website: Contact Information: Wendy Bell– Program Coordinator, 217-558-2838, |
Organization: Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (IDCEO)
Program: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) – Public Infrastructure