Michigan Funding Programs

Funds from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) Drinking Water Revolving Fund (DWRF) assists water suppliers with meeting the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act. Funds may be used to plan, design, and construct drinking water projects. Note that planning loans are also available for small communities (see Michigan Finance Authority: Small Community Planning Loans). Green infrastructure projects or projects to improve water or energy efficiency are encouraged. | Keywords: drinking water Intended Applicant(s): Owner of either a community water supply or non-community water supply that operates as a non-profit organization Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Loans | Interest rates are below market rates; current rates can be found on DWRF website | Loan term is up to 20 years or up to 30 years for eligible systems | Green projects may be eligible for additional grants for principal forgiveness, if available Application Process: Deadline/acceptance basis: May 1 annually for project priority list (PPL) | Full application process: Add new project plans to the PPL; receive notification as funds are available; negotiate milestones for completing the remaining steps in the application process | Loan closing dates occur on a quarterly schedule | Loan distribution is in the form of municipal bonds disbursed by the applicant’s community. Contact Information: Administrative Issues: Sonya Butler– Chief of Revolving Loan Section, Office of Drinking Water and Municipal Assistance, 517-284-5433, butlers2@michigan.gov |
Organization: Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
Program: Drinking Water Revolving Fund (DWRF)
Funds from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) Clean Water Revolving Fund (CWRF) program may be used to assist with the construction of needed water-pollution control facilities. Acceptable uses of funding include municipal treatment facilities, collection systems, septage treatment facilities, stormwater treatment facilities, and non-point source pollution control. Green infrastructure projects or projects to improve water or energy efficiency are encouraged. | Keywords: wastewater, stormwater Intended Applicant(s): Local governments, municipalities Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Loans | Interest rates are below market rates; current rates can be found on CWRF website | Loan term is up to 20 years or up to 30 years for eligible systems serving disadvantaged communities | Green projects may be eligible for additional grants for principal forgiveness, if available Application Process: Deadline/acceptance basis: July 1 annually for project priority list (PPL) | Full application process: Add new project plans to the PPL; receive notification as funds are available; negotiate milestones for completing the remaining steps in the application process | Loan closing dates occur on a quarterly schedule | Loan distribution is in the form of municipal bonds disbursed by the applicant’s community Contact Information: Sonya Butler– Chief of Revolving Loan Section, Office of Drinking Water and Municipal Assistance, 517-284-5433, butlers2@michigan.gov |
Organization: Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
Program: Clean Water Revolving Fund (CWRF) (also know as the State Revolving Fund, or SRF)
Funds from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) Strategic Water Quality Initiatives Fund (SWQIF) program may be used for design and construction of projects that intend to remove excessive infiltration from privately-owned sources flowing into municipal sanitary or combined sewers or replacement of privately-owned failing septic systems. | Keywords: wastewater, stormwater Intended Applicant(s): Local governments, municipalities Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Loans | Interest rates are below market rates; current rates can be found on SWQIF website | Loan term is up to 20 years or up to 30 years for eligible systems serving disadvantaged communities | Green projects may be eligible for additional grants for principal forgiveness, if available Application Process: Deadline/acceptance basis: July 1 annually for project priority list (PPL) | Full application process: Adding new project plans to the PPL; receive notification as funds are available; negotiate milestones for completing the remaining steps in the application process | Loan closing dates occur on a quarterly schedule | Loans distribution is in the form of municipal bonds disbursed by the applicant’s community Website: https://miwaternavigator.org/grants-funding/strategic-water-quality-initiative-fund-swqif/ Contact Information: Sonya Butler– Chief of Revolving Loan Section, Office of Drinking Water and Municipal Assistance, 517-284-5433, butlers2@michigan.gov |
Organization: Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
Program: Strategic Water Quality Initiatives Fund (SWQIF)
The Michigan Economic Development Corporation’s (MEDC) Community Block Development Grant (CBDG) program provides funding for economic or community development projects. Activities eligible for funding include blight elimination, planning, and infrastructure improvements serving business development or downtown development. | Keywords: drinking water, wastewater, stormwater Intended Applicant(s): Local government units | Population < 50,000 (typically) | Project must be listed on DWRF Project Priority List Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Grants | Contact Community Assistance Team Specialist for details Application Process: Deadline/acceptance basis: Year round | Multi-step application process: Submit project proposal; allow for review by Community Assistance Team Specialist | If proposal accepted: Submit application | Note: The application process typically takes 3 to 5 months, and no funds may be spent during that time Website: https://www.miplace.org/programs/community-development-block-grant/ Contact Information: Contact the local Community Assistance Team Member from the chart provided here: https://www.miplace.org/globalassets/media-documents/cateam-map.pdf |
Organization: Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC)
Program: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Funds from the Michigan Finance Authority’s (MFA) Small Community Planning Loan program may be used by municipalities on a short-term basis to fund planning activities related to a Drinking Water Revolving Fund (DWRF) loan project. | Keywords: drinking water Intended Applicant(s): Municipalities with a population < 10,000 Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Loans | Maximum loan is $100,000 | Interest rate is the same as DEQ DWRF | Loan term is 5 years | Disadvantaged communities can have a planning loan forgiven at time of DWRF loan award Application Process: Application process: Check the appropriate box on the DWRF Project Plan Submittal Form to apply for Small Community Planning Loan; submit application Website: https://www.michigan.gov/treasury/finance/mfa Contact Information: Michigan Finance Authority, 517-335-0994, TreasMFA@michigan.gov |
Organization: Michigan Finance Authority (MFA)