Minnesota Funding Programs

Funds from the Minnesota Department of Health’s (MDH) Drinking Water Revolving Fund (DWRF) program assist water suppliers with meeting the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act. Funds may be used to plan, design, and construct drinking water projects. Priority goes to projects that protect public health or provide an adequate water supply, or that benefit communities with financial need. Green infrastructure projects or projects to improve water or energy efficiency are encouraged. | Keywords: drinking water Intended Applicant(s): Public community, municipal or regional water systems, or nonprofit water systems such as retreat centers, day cares or schools Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Loans | Interest rates are generally market rates minus 1.5%; rates vary quarterly | Loan term is up to 20 years or up to 30 years for eligible systems serving disadvantaged communities | Green projects may be eligible for additional grants for principal forgiveness, if available Application Process: Deadline/acceptance basis: First Friday in May annually for adding project plans to the project priority list (PPL) and within 6 months after finalized Intended Use Plan (IUP) for application (last week in March, typically) | Full application process: Add new project plans to MDH’s Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund PPL by deadline | If MDH selects project for IUP based on priority ranking and available funding: Submit application to the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority (PFA) by deadline Website: MDH: https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/water/dwrf/index.html Contact Information: Chad Kolstad– Drinking Water Revolving Fund Coordinator, 651-201-3972, chad.kolstad@state.mn.us |
Organization: Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), Minnesota Public Facilities Authority (PFA)
Program: Drinking Water Revolving Fund (DWRF)
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s (MCPA) Clean Water Revolving Fund (CWRF), also known as the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, provides financing that may be used to build or upgrade water pollution control facilities to comply the Clean Water Act discharge standards. Green infrastructure projects or projects to improve water or energy efficiency are encouraged. | Keywords: wastewater, stormwater Intended Applicant(s): Local governments, municipalities Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Loans | Interest rates are generally market rates minus 1.5%; rates vary quarterly | Loan term is up to 20 years or up to 30 years for eligible systems serving disadvantaged communities | Green projects may be eligible for additional grants for principal forgiveness, if available Application Process: Deadline/acceptance basis: Variable but usually early March for adding project plans to the project priority list (PPL) and within 6 months after finalized Intended Use Plan (IUP) for application (last week in March, typically) | Full application process: Add new project plans to the MCPA’s Clean Water Revolving Fund’s PPL by deadline | If MCPA selects project for IUP based on priority ranking and available funding: Submit application to the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority by deadline Website: MPCA: https://www.pca.state.mn.us/air-water-land-climate/clean-water-fund Contact Information: Bill Dunn– Clean Water Revolving Fund Coordinator, 651-757-2324, bill.dunn@state.mn.us |
Organization: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), Minnesota Public Facilities Authority (PFA)
Program: Clean Water Revolving Fund (CWRF)
Projects under the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development’ (DEED) Small Cities Development Program (SCDP)—Public Facilities Grants must eliminate slum and blight conditions, eliminate an urgent threat to public health or safety, or benefit people with low and moderate incomes. Funds may be used for drinking water or wastewater projects including collection systems, distribution systems, treatment plants, wells, and water towers. | Keywords: drinking water, wastewater Intended Applicant(s): Cities with a population < 50,000, counties with a population < 200,000 Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Grants | Maximum grant is $600,000 for a single purpose project or $1.4 million for a comprehensive project | Proposed projects should be accomplishable within 30 months of funding Application Process: Two-step application process: Submit preliminary proposal | If proposed project is deemed competitive for receiving funding: Submit application Website: https://mn.gov/deed/government/financial-assistance/community-funding/small-cities.jsp Contact Information: Contact your regional SCDP representative from the chart provided here: https://mn.gov/deed/government/financial-assistance/community-funding/small-cities.jsp#7 |
Organization: Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)
Program: Small Cities Development Program (SCDP) – Public Facility Grants
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s (MPCA) Point Source Implementation Grant (PSIG) program provides funding, under Minnesota Statute § 446A.073, to assist with the cost of water infrastructure projects. Funds must be used to help meet discharge standards set by the Clean Water Act, reduce phosphorus or nitrogen discharge, or meet other MPCA discharge limits. | Keywords: wastewater, stormwater Intended Applicant(s): Local governments Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Grants | Maximum grant is $3 million | Provides up to 50% of eligible project costs | Funds may be used with Clean Water Revolving Fund (CWRF) loans Application Process: Two-step application process: Listed project plans on the MPCA’s project priority list (PPL); submit application Website: MPCA: https://www.pca.state.mn.us/business-with-us/wastewater-and-stormwater-financial-assistance Contact Information: MPCA: Bill Dunn, 651-757-2324, bill.dunn@state.mn.us |
Organization: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), Minnesota Public Facilities Authority (PFA)
Program: Point Source Implementation Grants (PSIG)
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s (MPCA) Technical Assistance Grants, part of the Small Community Wastewater Treatment Program, provides funds to help communities replace non-compliant individual or community subsurface septic systems. New systems will be publicly owned, operated, and maintained. Grants may be used to conduct site evaluations and prepare feasibility reports. | Keywords: wastewater Intended Applicant(s): Small communities Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Grants | Maximum grant is $20,000 plus $1,000/household, not to exceed $60,000 | Funds may be used with a Small Community Wastewater Treatment Program Construction Loan (see page 56) Application Process: Two-step application process: List project plans on the MPCA’s project priority list (PPL); submit application Website: MPCA: https://www.pca.state.mn.us/water/wastewater-andhttps://www.pca.state.mn.us/business-with-us/wastewater-and-stormwater-financial-assistance Contact Information: MPCA: Bill Dunn, 651-757-2324, bill.dunn@state.mn.us |
Organization: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), Minnesota Public Facilities Authority (PFA)
Program: Technical Assistance and Construction Grants/Loans