Wisconsin Funding Programs

Wisconsin Funding Programs

Wisconsin funding source table
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) Environmental Improvement Fund (EIF) – Clean Water Fund Program (CWFP) provides financial assistance for wastewater treatment facilities and urban stormwater runoff projects. Projects may include maintenance of permit compliance and development of new sewer systems that eliminate groundwater contamination or threats to public health and safety.

Keywords: wastewater, stormwater

Intended Applicant(s): Local governments, municipalities

Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Loans | Interest rates are below market rates and rates vary quarterly; current rates can be found on CWFP website | Interest rate subsidy offered by Small Loan Program for projects up to $2 million | Interest rate subsidies also available for low income/high user cost communities and for non-traditional treatment facility alternatives

Application Process: Deadline/acceptance basis: October 31 for Intent to Apply (ITA) and Priority Evaluation and Ranking Formula (PERF), and July 1-June 30 of subsequent fiscal year for application | Full application process: List project on project priority list (PPL); submit ITA and PERF by deadline; submit complete loan application by deadline

Website: https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/aid/EIF.html

Contact Information: Patrick Kirsop, 608-266-2747, patrick.kirsop@wisconsin.gov

Organization: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR)

Program: Environmental Improvement Fund (EIF) – Clean Water Fund Program (CWFP)

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) Environmental Improvement Fund (EIF) – Safe Drinking Water Loan Program (SDWLP) provides financial assistance to public water systems to build, upgrade, or replace drinking water infrastructure in order to provide adequate water, protect public health, and address federal and state drinking water requirements.

Keywords: drinking water

Intended Applicant(s): Local governments, municipalities, school districts

Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Loans | Interest rates are below market rates and rates vary quarterly; current rates can be found on SDWLP website | Interest rate subsidy for low to moderate income communities with population < 10,000

Application Process: Deadline/acceptance basis: October 31 for Intent to Apply (ITA) and Priority Evaluation and Ranking Formula (PERF), and July 1-June 30 of subsequent fiscal year for application | Full application process: List project on project priority list (PPL); submit ITA and PERF by deadline; submit complete loan application by deadline

Website: https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/aid/EIF.html

Contact Information: Mary E. Wagner, 608-267-7475, marye.wagner@wisconsin.gov

Organization: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR)

Program: Environmental Improvement Fund (EIF) – Safe Drinking Water Loan Program (SDWLP)

The Wisconsin Board of Commissioners of Public Lands’ (BCPL) Loan Program provides a trust fund loan for any public purpose project, such as local infrastructure projects like drinking water and wastewater facilities or distribution and collection systems. Funds may be used for planning, design, development, construction and expansion. Interest earned is distributed annually to fund public school library materials in Wisconsin. Over $1.15 billion in loans have been disbursed through this program in the past 10 years.

Keywords: drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, solid waste

Intended Applicant(s): Local governments, municipalities

Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Loans | Interest rate is fixed rate and is competitive with bond market | Loan term is up to 20 years; no prepayment penalty | No application fee

Application Process: Deadline/acceptance basis: Year round on rolling basis | Submit application requests for projects only for those that are certain to take place | Award of municipal loans are usually 30-45 days from application date

Website: https://bcpl.wisconsin.gov/Pages/LoanProgramHomePage.aspx

Contact Information: Richard Sneider– Chief Investment Officer, 608-261-8001, richard.sneider@wisconsin.gov

Organization: Wisconsin Board of Commissioners of Public Lands (BCPL)

Program: Loan Program

The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation’s (WEDC) Community Development Investment Grant program provides funding for shovel ready infrastructure projects that will support economic competitiveness. Projects must demonstrate anticipated increase in job opportunities, property values, or investment by local/private partners. Grant emphasis is on downtown and community-driven efforts.

Keywords: drinking water, wastewater, stormwater

Intended Applicant(s): Local governments, municipalities

Funding Det/Terms/Cap: Grants | Maximum grant is $250,000, 25% of eligible project costs; at least 50% of funds are reserved for communities with a population < 50,000 | Matching funds: Requires a 3:1 minimum match investment

Application Process: Deadline/acceptance basis: Ongoing | Submit application to the regional development director

Website: https://wedc.org/programs-and-resources/community-development-investment-grant

Contact Information: Barb LaMue– Vice President Business and Community Development, 608-210-6760, barb.lamue@wedc.org
Contact your regional development director from the chart provided here: https://wedc.org/inside-wedc/contact-us/#regional

Organization: Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC)

Program: Community Development Investment Grant